In a recent appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” filmmaker Zack Snyder lauded Netflix’s distribution model, highlighting the broad reach and accessibility it offers compared to traditional film studios. Snyder, who made his foray into streaming with Netflix’s “Army of the Dead,” expressed admiration for the streaming giant’s ability to bring diverse content to audiences worldwide.
Snyder’s latest Netflix original, “Rebel Moon,” debuted in December to mixed reviews but garnered substantial viewership, according to Snyder’s estimates. Drawing a comparison to Greta Gerwig’s box office hit “Barbie,” Snyder suggested that “Rebel Moon” may have reached more viewers through Netflix’s platform than “Barbie” did in movie theaters.
The director marveled at Netflix’s impact on popular culture, citing the success of the documentary series “Formula 1: Drive to Survive” as an example of the streaming giant’s ability to elevate niche content to widespread acclaim. Snyder praised Netflix’s role in providing audiences with alternatives and facilitating the creation of original and unconventional projects like “Rebel Moon.”
While “Rebel Moon” faced criticism from film critics, Snyder remains steadfast in his appreciation for the film and Netflix’s support of original IP. In contrast, Gerwig’s “Barbie” received critical acclaim and multiple Oscar nominations, including Best Picture.
Addressing a scene in “Barbie” that references his cut of “Justice League,” Snyder expressed admiration for the playful jab, emphasizing his enjoyment of Gerwig’s film and the humor in the reference to his work.
Sofia Boutella, who starred in “Rebel Moon,” acknowledged the impact of negative reviews on the film’s cast and crew but expressed pride in their collective effort. Despite the criticism, Boutella remains steadfast in her defense of the project and its significance in her career.
As Snyder continues to navigate the evolving landscape of streaming and theatrical releases, his endorsement of Netflix’s distribution model underscores the changing dynamics of the entertainment industry. With Netflix leading the charge in original content production and distribution, filmmakers like Snyder find new avenues to showcase their work and reach audiences on a global scale.